Developed in the year 1974 and currently in its 4th Generation,
UNI-PASS is the solution developed to respond to the digital revolution within the customs and trade sector.
This solution has not only contributed to the economic growth of the Republic of Korea and other nations that have benchmarked it,
but it is the inspirer and the pioneer in its sector. UNI-PASS is a symbol of pride and excellence.
Since the 1960s, Korea experienced dramatic increase in trade volume and international passengers.
With limited resources, the KCS (Korea Customs Service) sought ways to overcome these difficulties through innovative means.
The solution was to re-engineer, optimize and standardize the customs procedures
in order to automate the existing practices and apply state-of-the-art Information technology.
The end result is UNI-PASS, which is continuously evolving even today.

1974 - 1990
Trade Statistics System
First Customs system introduced in 1974 with the purpose to consolidated nationwide trade statistics

1990 - 2004
Nationwide Networked System
EDI based fully automate electronic customs clearance system gradually launched since 1998

2004 - 2016
Ubiquitous Customs System
Transition to a web-based platform with ubiquitous capabilities and launch of the Single Window system

2016 - Present
Smart Customs System
Smart business-aligned service that enables active cross-border information exchange and international cooperation
Awards & Acknowledgment
International Awards

WCO Innovation Award
Awarded to Ecuador’s e-Customs system ECUAPAS
WCO IT forum (2013, Argentina)

Asian MAKE Award
World Knowledge Forum

Airport Service Quality Awards
Airports Council International

BSC Hall of Fame Award
Awarded to KCS
WCO IT forum (2013, Argentina)

E-Asia Award

Intellectual Property Rights Award

WCO News Issue No.79
UNI-PASS is introduced as Korea’s Customs modernization tool and it was also mentioned that it has been established in over 10 countries so as to share the experience and know-how of Korea Customs Service.
WCO Customs Risk Management Compendium Volume 1
Published the Integrated Risk Management System of UNI-PASS as a best practice.
WCO News 2011
Published an article about the cargo management system of UNI-PASS resulting in 2.7 billion USD in economic effect.
WCO Technology Network
UNI-PASS is introduced as one of the customs clearance systems which provides a total customs administration solution and is customizable to fit any environment.

WTO Trade Policy Review
It was introduced that the UNI-PASS e-clearance scheme, the world’s first 100% electronic clearance portal system has been exported to several countries.
Doha Development Agenda
The WTO Doha Development Agenda reflected practices of UNI-PASS’ Single Window of Korea into the agreement on December 7, 2013.

World Bank
Reform by Numbers
Published the “Measuring the Effects of the Republic of Korea’s Single Window System” as Best Practice.
Doing Business
Introduced UNI-PASS as a 100% electronic clearance system reducing the processing time for exports from 11 days to 8 days and imports from 10 days to 8 days.
Doing Business(Trading Across Boarders)
Ranked No. 1 in trading across borders among largest nations for 3years(3rd place overall)

Tanzania Revenue Authority
Self-evaluation after implementation of the e-Customs System (TANCIS)
Increased user friendliness due to revenue increase and reduced clearance time, since the implementation of the system in December 2013.

World Economic Forum
Davos Forum(Enabling Trade : Enabling Smart Borders)
Categorized KCS UNI-PASS and the Single Window System as phase 3 of WEF’s Enabling Smart Borders.

Inter-American Development Bank
Virtual Courses on Integration and Trade
Introduced strong point of KCS Single Window as an integrated platform that connects clearance-related agencies and organizations(10th Edition IDB Open Online course)

Best agency for anti-corruption policy
Airports Council International

Excellent agency for integrity
WCO IT forum in Argentina

Commendation for contribution to the nation’s anti-corruption
President of Korea

Commendation for contributions to innovation in national logistics service and improvement of administrative productivity through UNI-PASS
President of Korea
Interested in UNI-PASS?
In each country, customs process has evolved over time reflecting one’s rich history and geopolitical features. Let CUPIA’s Smart Customs solution help you achieve the global standard by fusing innovative technologies into your unique customs heritage.