01/02/2023 CUPIA signs with the Tanzania Revenue Authority for the Enhancement of TANCIS 14/12/2022 Director General of Ecuador Customs (SENAE) visits Korea Customs and CUPIA 06/12/2022 MOU signed between CUPIA and Ghana Link Network Services Ltd. 25/10/2022 CUPIA participates in the 2022 WCO Technology Conference and Exhibition (Maastricht, Netherlandas) 01/08/2022 CUPIA celebrates its 16th anniversary 26/07/2022 CUPIA’s consulting project for Botswana is introduced in the WCO Newsletter 25/07/2022 Ethiopian e-Single Window commended as the best practice in the COMESA meeting 26/01/2022 WCO Certificate of Merit for the Ethiopian e-Single Window 01/12/2021 CUPIA welcomes the newly appointed Chairman, Mr. Yoon-shik KIM 01/11/2021 Partner of CUPIA, Ghana Link picks up two awards at 4th Ghana Business Awards 06/08/2021 ICUMS, preparing for its second phase launch 05/07/2021 Consultancy for Customs modernization in Guyana Posts pagination Previous Page1 … Page3 … Page9 Next
25/10/2022 CUPIA participates in the 2022 WCO Technology Conference and Exhibition (Maastricht, Netherlandas)
CUPIA signs with the Tanzania Revenue Authority for the Enhancement of TANCIS
Director General of Ecuador Customs (SENAE) visits Korea Customs and CUPIA
MOU signed between CUPIA and Ghana Link Network Services Ltd.
CUPIA participates in the 2022 WCO Technology Conference and Exhibition (Maastricht, Netherlandas)
CUPIA celebrates its 16th anniversary
CUPIA’s consulting project for Botswana is introduced in the WCO Newsletter
Ethiopian e-Single Window commended as the best practice in the COMESA meeting
WCO Certificate of Merit for the Ethiopian e-Single Window
CUPIA welcomes the newly appointed Chairman, Mr. Yoon-shik KIM
Partner of CUPIA, Ghana Link picks up two awards at 4th Ghana Business Awards
ICUMS, preparing for its second phase launch
Consultancy for Customs modernization in Guyana